An unused bike
Donate a bike

Do you have an old bike (with at least one sound aspect: not rusted or not broken) that you no longer use? Give it a new life with CyCLO! Everyone wins: what’s still usable doesn’t get thrown away, you support a good cause and there are more bikes on the road in Brussels.
Our production team (in training) will turn it into a reconditioned bike for sale, for a fleet, for Brussels-based associations, or into a solidarity bike** or it will recycle the parts.
In practice:
- You can drop off your old bike at any of our workshops! There’s surely one not too far from your home, and if not, take it on the metro, it’s free! Also, please give us a call before coming in, so we can make room for you.
- Do you have 3 or more bikes you want to give away and they are located in the Brussels Region? Send a photo to depot@cyclo.org and we’ll see what we can do to help you transport them.
* If in doubt, send a photo to depot@cyclo.org. If it’s in very poor shape, it’s better suited for recycling.
** We’re especially looking for small women’s bikes for this project
Recycle your bike
The bike is in very poor condition? For instance: there’s a crack in the frame or its components are rusty? Fortunately, scrap metal is well-suited for recycling, so the best thing to do is to take it to the recycling experts at the RecyPark nearest to you.
Sell a bike

Do you have an unused bike that is still ridable* and could be used by someone else? You could sell it at one of the bike fairs all over Brussels!
These bike fairs are held at different times and places and are organized by CyCLO and/or a partner. Here you can sell your old bike and have it checked out by a bike mechanic. The fairs are fun social events where cyclists (and future cyclists) get together.
*A bike that is still ridable sells much better, so consider having it repaired before participating in a bike fair, especially if it's just a matter of replacing an air chamber!