Blue bike
Become a blue-bike member for €12/year and rent a decent city bike for €1,50 or €3,50 for the first 24hours at bike points located in or near more than 100 Belgian stations (including Brussels North, Brussels Central, Brussels Luxembourg and Brussels South). Ideal for combining trains and bicycles throughout Belgium.
Attention, it's not possible to activate your membership at our workshops. Visit the Blue Bike website to find out how you can.
What’s the difference with Villo or other bike share systems?
1. It’s everywhere in Belgium, not only in Brussels.
2. Users: Blue-bikes are aimed at local and international travelers who regularly or occasionally need a bicycle in and around Belgian cities.
3. Rental period: a Blue-bike subscriber can use the bicycle all day long. You don’t ride from A to B, but from A to A; your point of departure from which you will likely take a train back.